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Ramma, Y., Bholoa, A., Jawaheer, S., Gunness, S., Li Kam Wah, H. T. Y., Gopee, A. K., & Authelsingh, D. (2021). Teaching and learning science in the 21st century: A study of critical thinking of learners and associated challenges. In J. Naidoo (ed.), Teaching and Learning for the 21st century: Embracing the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Chapter 14, p. 139-156). Koninklijke Brill NV, Lieden.
Ramma, Y., Bholoa, A., Jawaheer, S., Li Kam Wah, H., Gunness, S. Moheeput, K., & Gopee, A. K. (2022). Enacting the teacher-parent-learner nexus in teaching and learning science using technology. 10th Pan-Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning, September 14-16, 2022, Athabasca University, Canada, Commonwealth of Learning,
Ramma, Y., Bholoa, A., Deshmukh, N., Fulena, S. A., Nalawade, V. S. (2023). Scenarios as means for identifying, developing and assessing critical thinking in pre-and in-service teacher education: A preliminary discussion on the findings of an international collaboration. Proceedings of The European Conference on Education 2023. The International Academic Forum.
Bholoa, A., Ramma, Y., Jawaheer, S., Moheeput, K., Atchia, S. (2023). Transforming Science Education at Grade 9 with a pedagogical technological integrated medium: An integrated approach for teaching, learning and assessment. Proceedings of The European Conference on Education 2023. The International Academic Forum.
Ramma, Y., Bholoa, A., & Watts, M. (2024). In-service physics teachers’ content knowledge: a critical reflection on the case of the upthrust concept. Education Inquiry, 1–31.